Read: Genesis 26:34-28:9
What about the sermon most impacted you or left you with questions?
Read the passage out loud together. Read slowly, allowing space for comments and observations.
It was said in the sermon that this story could be summarized like this - Though this family was an absolute mess, God was at work in the mess by his grace. In the passage, what specific aspect of this family’s mess stood out to you? Where do you the signs of God’s grace at work?
It was also said in the sermon that the main application for us in this story is - Though we are an absolute mess, God is at work in the mess by his grace. What part of this statement do you most wrestle with? If you don’t have a problem with this statement, how do you see it’s truth working on in your own life? There are 3 truths regarding God’s grace that are revealed in this story. A person will, at some point, have to wrestle with these 3 things to become a Christan, to grow as a Christian and stay a Christian:
1) The Front Door of Grace – The front door of grace is admitting we are an absolute mess just like this family. Are you able to admit that? Do you resist this? Do you find freedom in this? How do Jesus words in Mark 2:15-17 say the same thing but in a different way?
2) The Freeness of Grace – Have you ever wrestled with the idea that if grace is free for sinners who are a mess, then does that mean we can do whatever we want?... and get away with it? How does this story address this question?
3) The Fairness of Grace – We rightly recoil at Jacob receiving the blessing by deceit. That’s not fair! It’s not. This is just a hint of the scandal of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:13-14 says, “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us so that the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles by Christ Jesus.
Jesus takes the curse to give the blessing to those who don't deserve it. Why? So, we can live in the blessing he deserves - the fullness of life in the presence of the Father. We come as we are – with all our mess – saying, “Have mercy on me, a sinner, an absolute mess!” God say, “That’s the life I bless.” What difference would it make if we believed this? (think especially in the ways we dress up and pretend to be something to get or earn blessing from others or from God)?
BONUS – Which of the 3 aspects of grace do you most wrestle with? how does it play out in your life. What might it look like if this aspect of God’s grace got a hold of your life?