Ephesians is unique among all the letters in the NT because the apostle Paul wrote it as a general letter to be read and circulated among many churches in one region. If you have ever wondered how to summarize the Christian life or what it is all about, this is a great place to begin. Paul begins with the big picture, which will not only help us not only survive through another day. It will give us a vantage point to help us grow and mature. No matter what is happening in your life now, what has happened, or even what will happen, we must never forget that our loving, wise, and powerful God is sovereign. His ways might not look like ours, but they are more loving than we could ever imagine.
1. There Is A Plan
Despite how random, chaotic, and devoid of deeper meaning the world can seem, our lives are part of a purposeful, divine plan orchestrated by God. Paul’s passionate and powerful language assures us we don’t need to be bogged down by doubts about the what, how, or why of the plan. The text calls us to focus on the "Who" behind the plan, and it is not a language of debate or speculation but pure worship. God, our Father, is working out everything according to His wise and gracious plan for the praise of His glory. Just as children can trust their parents' care on a trip, so can we find peace and security in knowing our lives are unfolding according to God's providence, which goes back before the foundation of the world.
2. It Is Not Our Plan
Knowing there is a divine plan behind our lives can bring comfort, but it can also be deeply frustrating. God's plan for this world and our lives does not always align with our own desires. As Prov 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." We are free to make plans, and we should! But we must ultimately accept that God's purpose will prevail, even when things unfold in ways we did not expect or want. There are two levels, without which we will never mature:
Head Level - Verses 8-9 remind us that God makes known the mystery of His will with perfect wisdom and insight that far surpasses our finite human understanding. To object to His plan is to claim we have more wisdom than God.
Heart Level - Verse 4 reveals the goal behind God’s plan is to make us holy and blameless before Him. The struggles, losses, and humbling experiences we would never choose for ourselves are exactly what God uses to shape our maturity in Christ. Though painful, accepting that God's plan transcends our own is vital to our growth.
3. It Is A Loving Plan
To possess the confidence and courage to grow and mature as a Christian, we must be convinced deep in our souls of one thing: God's plan is a loving plan moving towards our ultimate good and His ultimate glory. In verses 4-6, we see that the driving force behind God's plan is the same perfect love He has for His beloved Son, Jesus. From eternity past, God has lavished this divine, covenantal, and unassailable love upon us "in the Beloved One." It is not based on our merit but only achieved through faith alone. The love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the very fabric of all reality. They will forever exist in an eternal fellowship of good pleasure and joyous delight that can never be broken. Are you looking for a new vantage point? This is the peak! If we are in the beloved, we are beloved nothing can separate us from God’s loving plan for us.
No matter how fragmented or broken our lives may seem, verse 10 reveals God's plan is to unite all things in Christ. He is merging our stories with the greater cosmic narrative that unveils His glory. Though its unfolding remains a mystery, we can trust that every piece (even the most painful) will ultimately be redeemed and built to showcase God's passionate love for us. If God set his love on you before the world began – you didn’t earn it, you can’t lose it. The Holy Spirit helps us embrace this truth in the midst of our present struggles. Allow God’s loving plan to fill you with joy, peace, and hope. Most of all, let it give you rest!
What about the sermon most impacted you or left you with questions?
Would you call yourself a planner? Why or Why Not? What are the strengths and weaknesses of establishing your own detailed plans? How do you typically react when things don’t go according to your plans?
What words or verses in this passage stick out to you as you reflect on God’s plan for us? Which ones encourage you the most? Which do you wrestle with the most?
Are there specific questions or doubts you have (or have had before) that distract you from the “Who” of the plan? Can you narrow it down to the head level or heart level? Why are both essential?
Share an experience when something didn’t go according to your plan but ultimately led to your growth or maturity in Christ. What did you learn about God? Yourself? How do you encourage others from your own experiences without diminishing the difficulty of these experiences for others?
Why is it so difficult to believe that God’s plan for you is a loving plan? How does the gospel provide us with assurance that no matter what - God’s plans for us are loving? What are some areas in your life where you are tempted to doubt or ignore the loving plan of God? What would it look like to believe wholeheartedly that God’s love drives al his plans for you?
What is a psalm, song, or hymn that reminds you of God’s loving plan? How might you prepare for those times when it goes silent? How do you make sense of these moments if you can’t earn or lose God’s love?